When considering the transition of a foam-water fire protection system from legacy foams such as...
Understanding Viking's Synthetic Fluorine Free Foam products
Foam: a fire extinguishing and controlling media. Why do we need it? What do we use it for? Well, if you’ve asked yourself these questions you’re not alone. We all know (or should by now) that water is the most common thing used in fire protection, so why do we need foam suppression? The answer lies in the fact that water and oil don’t mix… and, on the other hand, water and alcohols DO.
Here’s the facts: oils and alcohols are considered flammable and combustible liquids and water is marginally effective in extinguishing these types of fires. In many cases, water makes things worse.
The benefit of foam is that it’s largely water. In the case of Viking’s new Synthetic Fluorine Free Foam (SFFF) concentrates, they are 97% water and 3% concentrate. When we mix the concentrate at a proportioned rate of 3%, the foam water solution that’s created can float on top of the oil or alcohol-based flammable/combustible liquid fire. With oil always rising to the top of the water or the water always mixing with the alcohol, the foam additive prevents this from occurring and stays firmly in place atop the burning liquid.
How does the foam work? Foam does three things to extinguish the fire. Being largely water, foam can cool the substance thus removing the heat from the burning liquid. This is one of a few things the foam does to put the fire out. The foam also creates a layer that ‘suppresses’ the vapors being released by the burning fuel. As fuels burn, they boil and release vapor. The vapors are flammable and they’re actually what’s burning, as opposed to the liquid itself. The last benefit to utilizing foam as a suppressant is that the foam layer also prevents oxygen from reaching the fuel, thereby creating a smothering effect.
Traditional legacy foams were Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF). These foams contained chemicals that created what we know today as "Per" or "Polyfluoroalkyl substances" (PFAS). Viking’s new foams are PFAS free and known as Synthetic Fluorine Free Foams (SFFF). Viking has two version of this SFFF offering. The first is designated for hydrocarbon (oil) based fuels only, and the second “alcohol resistive” (AR) foam for polar solvents (alcohols). The Hydrocarbon only foam is Viking’s most recently released Viking USP 3% SFFF concentrate, and the AR version of this is Viking’s ARK SFFF foam concentrate. Both foams can be discharged through a variety of discharge devices, such as pendent and upright sprinklers with K-factors ranging from 5.6, 8.0 and 11.2.
What else do you need to know? Estimating your foam needs is simple with Viking's LoEx and HiEx Foam Estimators, two FREE digital tools created to make it easier than ever to estimate foam suppression needs. Seamlessly step through questions and design specs to calculate the amount of foam concentrate needed to complete the job, along with any additional foam product needs.
Get started with Viking's LoEx Foam Estimator or HiEx Foam Estimator and submit your specs for quoting — it's THAT easy!
Viking provides a complete SFFF foam package for your entire project. Visit vikinggroupinc.com or contact your local Viking SupplyNet sales representative for detailed information.
Want to learn about foam fire protection training options? We have everything you need to know, here.